The verse I chose is 1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV) "For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. "
Years ago I worked in downtown Chicago, commuting in from the suburbs on the elevated train, or the El as it is called locally. During my commute, we started above ground, progressed to level with the ground and then traveled underground, through tunnels. As the light source changed, so did the view of my fellow passengers. When you're outside, in the sunlight, the large train windows give you a grand view of the outdoors. In a tunnel, with no outside light source, the interior train lights cause you to see a reflection in the opposite window of yourself and the people around you. It is as though you're looking in a mirror but one with a the dark train walls as background, resulting in fuzzy images and muted colors.
I would often think of the verse from Corinthians, "For now we see through a glass darkly" while I watched the shifting shapes caused by the train's passage through tunnels and sunlight. Obviously I could see the person next to me in full color, 3-D, if I turned my head. That dim reflection in the trains' windows did not diminish their reality, it was simply my view at the time.
Our view of God in this life is veiled; we can't see Him clearly. But just because our view is dim, doesn't diminish His reality or His glory. When we get to heaven, we won't be looking through a dark glass or catching a brief glimpse in a mirror, we will see Jesus face to face. We will know Him and He will truly know us, as no being knows us here on the earth. We will see God's glory revealed in all of its indescribable splendor and majesty. How wonderful! I don't know about you, but I am really looking forward to that.
My stamping challenge related to that verse then, involves one of my favorite techniques or layouts, the shadowbox card. No more shadows, no more dim reflections when we get to heaven!
Please note that it is not required to donate your card in order to participate in the challenge. However, I do encourage it!
OWH also collects blank greeting cards (any theme) that soldiers may send home to loved ones. For example: birthday, thinking of you, hello, etc. Various holiday cards are also needed. According to the OWH website, “miss you” and “love you” cards are most requested by the soldiers. To read more about card themes needed, click here http://www.owhhomefrontblog.org/2009/03/card-themeswhat-needed-most.html.
There are some rules about what you can and cannot use, for their safety's sake . . . for instance, no glitter! We don't want a speck of something shiny making our armed forces a target and visible at night. Also, standard A2 size cards are preferred. You don't have to include an envelope with an A2 card if you don't have any. However if you do choose to send a square card, please include a corresponding square-sized envelope for that card. Donations are always accepted to help pay for the postage required to send these packages to our brave men and women. So if you can slip in a dollar or two or five with your card, it is gratefully accepted.
One thing you CAN do . . .which made me happy personally . . .is you don't have to worry about bumps and lumps! Use those buttons! Make a pretty bow! The armed forces, when they send cards home to their loved ones, don't have to pay that extra postage for a lumpy card. :) I love ribbons, bows and buttons!
Candace has volunteered to collect the cards sent to her and mail them in a bundle to OWH. The link for her blog is here.
If you notice on my sidebar there are a few upcoming blog hops. One of them I will be participating in next Saturday and that is for Operation Write Home. You can sign up to be part of that blog hop too, it isn't too late, or just go blurfing next Saturday to see some awesome artwork and have a chance to win some great prizes.
Speaking of prizes, our sponsor at Stampin' Sisters in Christ this week is Paper Pretties. Thank you for donating that lovely stamp set which one lucky winner will receive for posting their creation on the SSCC blog. Thanks for looking.
ETA: My recipe . . . one of my friends thought I used Roses in Winter . . . I never could get the hang of two-step stamping, so I had that set at one time and gave it to a more deserving home!
Stamps: Penny Black 'the heart of the rose'
Paper: Neenah solar white, SU real red, brilliant blue, glossy white
Other: black craft ink, clear EP, sponge, red and blue inks, cuttlebug swiss dots folder, blue ribbon, post it notes for masking