This is from my sweet friend Beth. Although I think in the beginning when I got the lemonade stand award from Dell, this might have been part of it too. I have to claim blog etiquette ignorance, I'm still learning! But thank you Beth! Please visit her blog to see her fabulous creations, they are listed on the right under my dork sisters' blog Hartley Handcrafted at Home. She has such a way with 3-D projects, simply amazing!
I believe the next thing I have to do is say ten honest things about myself:
1. I love the Lord and cannot thank Him enough for ensuring my eternity in heaven through the precious sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ. When life here on earth gets me down I can remember this is not my permanent home.
2. I love my family and my friends, they help me when I'm down as well and celebrate with me when I'm up!
3. I have a very cluttered house and once at a former job a coworker put up yellow caution tape on my office door as a joke, that's how bad I am! But unless someone else moves things without telling me, I always know where to find what I need.
4. Chocolate is the fifth food group . . . I'm a food writer, I should know! :)
5. Hello my name is peggysue and I'm a scrapaholic . . . I am addicted to paper, stamps, ink, embellishments and tools!
6. My name is not peggysue in real life.
7. I'm shy and nervous when I meet folks in person, its different than talking online.
8. Despite that, I think I hold the honor of having met the most dorks in person! Beth, her mom, Laurie, Jackie, Karen (whose middle name is Lynn, did you know that?), Cathi, Lois, Traci, our honorary Motherdork, new honorary dork Jojot, Vikki Jo and Crystal.
9. As a writer by trade, I have to hold myself back from correcting people's spelling in their posts, aren't you proud of me? I don't do it unless someone asks!
10. I think my husband is one of the most handsome men I've ever met and I love him to pieces!
I need to pass this along to other bloggers, but I think almost everyone I know has this award already! I will search around as I visit other blogs because I don't want anyone to feel left out.
P.S. Stephanie, thanks for the great suggestion! The blogger formerly known as 'peggysue' will now be known as a symbol, as soon as I find one I like! :) Ha!
I picked peggysue as a sign on name when I first started using online services because if I used my real name or initials they always seemed to be taken and then I had to use my name plus a series of numbers that I'd always forget! Peggysue always worked, I seemed to always be the first one to log onto a site with that name, so it stuck. All my online friends know me by that name, doesn't seem logical to use my 'real' identity . . . plus you'd all want to borrow my superhero cape and it would get all dirty . . . :)