For her challenge, she is asking that we try something new; and beyond that, something that you might have been afraid to try, such as a new technique, color combo, a new style, etc.
For me, I decided to try etched glass because I admire it so and was afraid to try it. Afraid I'd mess up and waste the money I spent on the supplies, afraid it wouldn't turn out quite right, afraid of getting that caustic stuff on my hands.
Well, I did have to restamp the image several times to get it to adhere properly to the glass, even when it looks like the surface is flat, it isn't really. Took several tries, but I got a clear image and it worked.
This verse MariLynn selected is particularly appropriate for me now as once again our family possibly stands at the crossroads of making a major decision that will affect where we live and what we do. Also, all of my kids are scattered in different states . . . just how far do those heart strings stretch? Pretty far, I'm finding, as we are traveling on a trip to take my son to the Moody Bible Institute branch in Spokane, Washington, about as far from where we live as a body can get while still residing in the continental U.S. I am fearful about a lot of things and work every day on conquering those fears.
I am preposting and as you read these words we pray we will be on our return trip. It isn't easy trying new things, seeing your kids leave the nest and set off on adventures that !gasp! don't involve Mom at all!!! They're growing into adults and it is a fearful thing to let go and let God . . . . in any circumstance when we want to hang on and keep control to ourselves. How futile an exercise and what precious time we waste being fearful. God is in control even in the worst of times, His love is there like a shining beacon. We can rest in His arms and He doesn't want us to be fearful but to trust in Him; that's when we truly experience His power, when we relinquish control and let Him guide, let Him lead.
Praying you will find yourself trusting him in all areas, but particularly those that are hard to relinquish control. I will not be able to comment or respond as we are still traveling, hope to be back in the saddle by the end of this coming week. Hugs to all, hope you can play along. We love seeing your creations in the gallery!
Stamps: Mark's Finest Papers Black Eyed Susans for Encouragement
Other: glass block from Hobby Lobby, etching cream, versamark, clear embossing powder, heat gun, light string
Peggysue, this etched flower is just stunning! And it is so true when it comes to certain techniques, that I am afraid to waist time, afraid it will not come out right :). I do pray for safe travel.
Love you and sending
Peggysue your etched glass came out AWESOME!!! I love etched glass so this really is a beauty to me! Loved reading your thoughts today! You are so right... and the interesting thing is that every stage of our lives involves more learning experiences, some fear which drives us to our knees and to the One who casts out fear, and who fills with comfort and strength! Praying your trip goes well and that your children though scattered will be kept close to Him! I'm back from my travels but so far behind on responsibilities it feels like I'm sinking in mud! LOL! Looking forward to coming back soon to my sisters though!
hugs and blessings,
wow, this is gorgeous, super creation...yo have done a fabulous job...hope your week is blessed!
enjoy *~*
Oh my giddy aunt Peggysue - this is divine - you are FEARLESS my friend!! Love the etched glass - amazing! Fears - always an amazing achievement to conqueor them - I love the saying - Fear knocked at the door, LOVE opened it and there was no-one there! Praise the Lod for His perfect love that casts our all fear! Travel safe my friend! {{{hugs}}}
Gorgeous project! Your son will love the north west!
Stunning project!and worth the time to create it! As you know I don't have children, but I've always agreed with Oprah that being a mother is the most difficult and most important job.
What a great project Peggy Sue!!Hope you are having safe travels.
That's is just beautiful!!
Your project of etching turned out beautifully.
So very pretty! It's been so fun to see what everyone has attempted with this challenge. Love your project. Thanks again for the opportunity to sponsor SSIC.
WOW...absolutely gorgeous!
Wow, you really did stretch your wings on this project! I love it! I've never tried glass etching, beautiful with stamps! You should do a tutorial!
The beautiful thing is that God is bigger than the entire earth so no matter where are children are on it, He is there with them. I take comfort in that every day.
Peggysue, this is just stunningly gorgeous! Great job on the etching.
Totally understand how you feel with your kids in different places. My DS lives out of state and sometimes it is very hard when I can't see him regularly. We do talk almost everyday though. Thank the Lord for cell phones!
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