Happy Sunday stampers! It is time for another challenge from Stampin' Sisters in Christ! We are welcoming two guest designers for the month of August, Traci Major and Teresa Kline! Both of them love the Lord and create beautiful things and if you visit the main blog you can see all the creations from each member of the design team! I am your hostess this week and I chose this verse:
Psalm 148:7-10 “Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds. . .”
Wishing you a blessed Sunday in the Lord! Have you had a chance to go to church today? We all hope you have a place to connect with members of a local body of believers and join them in worship.
We can worship the Lord any time though, not just in church. The psalms can be soothing, encouraging or even exciting! Imagine if our ears were on the right frequency to hear all of creation praising the Lord, as it talks about in this psalm!
In 1 Chronicles 16:23 it says, “Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.”
“Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them!”
Psalm 69:34
“The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork.”
Psalm 19:1
However, the job of praising our creator also is ours, in fact it is primarily our job. In Luke 19:40 Jesus said that if men should hold their peace, or not praise God, “even the stones would cry out.” Let’s not outsource that job to a stone, let’s use our voices and praise Him!
Each of the design team members has a wonderful praise song linked in their blog post, or song to recommend that will get your heart moving closer to the Lord in worship.
I love to listen to praise music as I create! I have so many favorite songs, but one that I like that we sang at the church we attended before we moved is a Chris Tomlin song, “Sing, Sing, Sing.” You’ll find it here on youtube.
Once you’ve enjoyed your praise tour, in this week’s challenge we invite you to use any type of creature from tiny (like an ant or a bug) to a very large creature (whale, or elephant) on your card or project. Our sponsor this week is Doodle Pantry, and I used one of their ant images in my card. I colored them with prismacolor pencils and covered them with crystal effects to make them shiny, because ants are usually a bit shiny. I colored the leaves with prismas as well and used some paper scraps to piece together a background for them. Have fun and enjoy singing!